From 2022 to 2024, the BTF audience has expanded from >1k to over 30k across all channels, with a projected 7k in-person attendees expected at the 2024 event.


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Written by the BTF team

In just five years, Black Tech Fest (BTF) has grown from a bold vision to a thriving community that inspires innovation through technology, culture, and inclusion. This remarkable journey, powered by Colorintech, has seen our audience swell to over 14,000 participants and more than 20,000 followers across social media. As we reflect on our exponential growth, we are also looking ahead to even greater heights, driven by our unwavering commitment to inclusivity and innovation.

The Seeds of Growth

When BTF was founded, we set out to create a platform that would amplify underrepresented voices and foster a community where technology and culture intersect. Our mission resonated deeply with individuals and organizations alike, leading to rapid and sustained growth. In just five years, we've transformed from a nascent idea into the largest innovation and culture gathering of its kind in Europe.

Building a Community

Our growth is a testament to the power of community. From students and professionals to entrepreneurs and investors, BTF has brought together a diverse array of stakeholders who share a common goal: to drive innovation and promote inclusivity in the tech industry. Each year, our October festival in London attracts thousands of attendees, eager to engage in dynamic events, thought-provoking discussions, and collaborative initiatives.

Social Media Surge

Our presence on social media has been a crucial element of our exponential growth. With over 20,000 followers, our social channels have become vibrant hubs of activity and engagement. These platforms allow us to reach a global audience, share inspiring stories, highlight innovative projects, and foster meaningful connections among our community members.

A Blueprint for Continued Growth

Looking ahead, BTF is committed to sustaining and accelerating our growth. Here’s how we plan to do it:

1. Expanding Our Reach:We aim to expand our geographical footprint, bringing BTF’s message of innovation and inclusivity to new regions. By hosting satellite events and collaborating with international partners, we will connect with even more people and communities around the world.

2. Enhancing Our Offerings:We are continually evolving our events and initiatives to meet the needs of our growing audience. This includes launching new summits, workshops, and interactive sessions tailored to different interests and career stages. Our goal is to provide more value and create even more opportunities for learning, networking, and growth.

3. Leveraging Technology:As a tech-centric platform, we are committed to harnessing the latest technologies to enhance our events and community engagement. From virtual reality experiences to AI-driven networking tools, we will leverage cutting-edge innovations to create immersive and impactful experiences for our audience.

4. Strengthening Partnerships:Our growth has been fueled by the support of numerous global influencers, brands, and policymakers. We will continue to build and strengthen these partnerships, creating synergies that drive further growth and amplify our impact.

5. Amplifying Underrepresented Voices:Inclusivity remains at the core of our mission. We will continue to amplify the voices of underrepresented groups in the tech industry, providing them with platforms to share their stories, showcase their innovations, and inspire others.

6. Engaging Our Community:Our community is our greatest asset. We will keep our audience engaged through regular updates, interactive content, and exclusive events. By fostering a sense of belonging and active participation, we will ensure that our community remains vibrant and dynamic.

Join Us on This Journey

The exponential growth of BTF is just the beginning. As we continue to expand our reach and enhance our offerings, we invite you to join us on this exciting journey. Whether you are a student, professional, entrepreneur, or investor, there is a place for you at BTF. Together, we can create a future where innovation thrives, and inclusivity is the norm.

For more information about BTF and to become part of our growing community, contact us using the form below. You can also visit Colorintech.org.

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